Name Servers tell the requestor (your computer) where to go to see the website. It's an intricate series of interpreting the domain name to an IP and informs servers where it goes. When you look at your domain registration, you point to a set of Name Servers (often called DNS); you are basically creating your own instead of using your hosting provider's.
Name Server Configuration (Hosting provider)
First, identify on what Name Servers you are currently pointing. You can do a whois lookup for this. You can point on one of these 4 Name Servers:
What you will want to do, is create your own ns1 and ns2 for your domain and associate these entries with the respective IP.
1. Log into your Panelbox (the login information is found in your Funio Welcome letter);
2. Locate the Domains section, then go to the Zones1 section.
3. Under Zones, click on the Add a record link and fill in the fields according to the entry you are creating. You will want to associate your domain's current NS entries with the ones you are creating. In our example, is pointing to ns3/ (
Create ns1 and ns2 and select your domain from the drop-down menu.
That's it for the DNS Zone!
1Note for Resellers : The Zones section is only available when logged in directly into the cPanel. You cannot go through the reseller interface and go to the cPanel account as an administrator.
Name Server Registration (Domain registry)
Once you have configured your DNS zone with the appropriate NS entries, you will need to contact your domain's registrar to setup the Name Servers at the registry. The name servers might work with your domain, but it will not be recognized for other domains outside the DNS zone in which you are hosted.
You may have an online interface to manage your domain name with your registrar, and they might have the NS registration option. If your domain is registered with Funio, here is how you would set them up.
1. Log into your Funio Hub;
2. Select Products, then Domain Names and then your domain and go to the Personalized Name Servers section.
3. Enter the subdomain (ns1/ns2) and the associated IP like you did for the DNS zone earlier. Enter the first one, then save. Then you can enter the second one and save once more.
4. Once you have done all of that, we recommend you contact your hosting provider and ask that the NS entries of the DNS Zone of your domain be modified to these new entries. If we are your hosting provider, you will need to open an assistance request from the Hub, and let us know in this type of format: