SSL Certificate Installation: IIS 8 & 8.5

Our SSL certificates can be installed on any server. Depending on the program you are trying to install it to, the steps will be different. In this article you will find the steps to install it into IIS 8 and 8.5.


  • Access to your IIS Server

  • The SSL Certificate

Task completion: 15 minutes

Expertise: advanced

How to do it?

SSL Installation: IIS8 & 8.5 (PFX)

1. From the Start menu, look for Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and open it.
2. Click on the server name.
3. From the menu in the middle, double-click the Server Certificates button
4. In the Actions menu on the right, click on Import...
5. Browse to the PFX file by clicking on the ... button

  • Password: If the file is password protected, enter the password here.
  • Certificate store: Select Personal  

6. Once the SSL Certificate has been installed successfully to the server, you need to assign the certificate to the appropriate website through IIS. See the Binding section below (Assign Certificate to Website).

SSL Installation: IIS 8 & 8.5 (CSR created on IIS)

1. From the Start menu, look for Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and open it.
2. Click on the server name.
3. From the menu in the middle, double-click the Server Certificates button
4. In the Actions menu on the right, click on Complete Certificate Request... The certificate wizard will be initiated.
5. Browse to your_domain_name.cer file, that you would have created by pressing the ... button

  • Friendly name: this is not part of the certificate itself, but it is used by the server administrator to easily distinguish the certificate.
  • Location: Select the Personal certificate store. 

6. Click OK. This will install the certificate on the server.
7. Once the SSL Certificate has been installed successfully to the server, you need to assign the certificate to the appropriate website through IIS. See the Binding section below (Assign Certificate to Website).

Assign Certificate to Website

1. From the Connections menu in the main IIS Manager window, select the name of the server on which you installed the certificate.
2. Under Sites, select the website to be secured.
3. From the Actions menu (on the right), click on Bindings... to open the Site Bindings window
4. In the Site Bindings window, click Add... 
5. Fill in the different fields as specified below, then click OK

  • Type: select https.
  • IP address: should be the IP address of the site or All Unassigned
  • Port: default is 443.
  • Host name: leave blank
  • SSL certificate: it should specify the SSL certificate that was installed in previous steps.

6. Your SSL certificate is now installed! 

Renew a SSL Certificate


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