Resellers: How to create a cPanel Account

  1. Log into your WHM Control Panel
  2. Locate the Account Functions menu and select Create a New Account 
  3. Fill in the fields! 
    1. Domain Information will define the domain and access credentials to the cPanel account.
      1. Domain: The domain you wish to host / create an account for
      2. Username: This will populate itself after adding the domain. You can edit this freely.
      3. Password: Type in a complicated password. There is a "Password Generator" to help you with this if you wish. The strength needs to be at least "OK".
      4. Email: This is usually the contact email of the owner of the cPanel account you are creating, in other terms, your customer's email.
    2. Package: Select a Package you have previously created.
    3. Settings: The locale is the customer's basic language and will decide the cPanel language used. If this language is different from the Package, this setting will override the Packages language when the customer logs into his cPanel.
    4. DNS Settings: Checking the "Use the nameservers specified at the Domain's Registrar" will use the NS entries of the Domain where it is currently pointing. We do not recommend doing this since it may cause DNS conflict when the Domain points to your servers. This is the type of option you would only consider checking if the domain is already pointing to your personalized NS, though.
    5. Mail Routing Settings: If you expect the emails to be hosted on the server, leave it to "Local". If not, set them to "Remote". Using "Automatically" avoids you to take a final decision on this matter, so it is recommended to use the "Automatic" setting.

Customer cPanel Access

Your customers will be able to access their cPanel by going to : http://customerdomain.tld/cpanelYou can also provide this link to the customer: http://cpanel.customerdomain.tld - Note that the domain links only work when the domain is active and pointing to the Panelbox Servers. If the domain is not pointing to our servers yet, you can also use the "temporary" link, which is the server name like such:


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