Creating a Cron Job

Cron jobs allow you to automate certain commands or scripts on your site

You can set a command or script to run at a specific time every day, week, etc. For example, you could set a cron job to delete temporary files every week to free up disk space.


  • Access to cPanel or

  • Access to Funio Hub

Task completion: 15 minutes

Expertise: advanced

How to do it? 

  1. Log in to your cPanel. Under the Advanced section, click on Cron Jobs.

  2. You will be able to add new Cron Jobs there and manage the existing ones.

  • Email: when a cron has executed, you will be notified by email. Enter a valid email so you can keep track of what has been executed.

  • Command: type in the Unix command and the location of the file to execute. For example, to execute a PHP file you should type:

php /home/user/folder/script.php
  • Minute: at what minute is the script executed.

  • Hour: At what hour will it be executed. You can use * to run it every hour.

  • Day: On what day will it be executed. These are days of the month or every day.

  • Month: On which month, if not every month.

  • Weekday: On what day or every day.

3. Click on Add New Cron Job and you're done!

NOTE: You can use the Common Settings drop-down option to use a preset interval.


Log in to your cPanel


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