Send and receive emails on your Mac
Configuring your Mac to send and receive emails is as easy as it can be.
Own OX App Suite or OX App Suite + Productivity products
Completion of the task: 15 minutes
Expertise: beginner
How to do it?
To setup email on Apple Mail:
Launch Mail. If Mail is not in your dock, Command (⌘) + Space Bar. Then type Mail in the Spotlight search. Press enter to launch the Mail application.
Within Mail, click Mail on the top left. Then select Add Account from the dropdown menu
In the pop-up window, select Other Mail Account and click Continue
On the next screen, enter the following information:
Name: Enter your first and last name
Email Address: Enter your email address
Password: Enter your mailbox password
Click Sign In
You will see an alert that says Unable to verify account name or password. Along with this alert, you will see more fields that require additional info. Fill in the following details:
Email Address: Enter your email address
User Name: Enter your email address again
Password: Your mailbox password
Account Type: IMAP
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server:
Important Note: Apple Mail will usually clear the User Name field after entering the Incoming and Outgoing Mail Server fields. Ensure your User Name is filled in with your email address after entering the server information and before clicking sign in
Click Sign In
Click Finish
Next, we will make sure our SMTP server settings are correct, as Apple Mail tends to change them automatically during setup -
Within Mail, click Mail on the top left. Then select Preferences
Select the Accounts tab at the top of the window, then select your IMAP email account from the left pane
Click on the Server Settings tab, next to Mailbox Behaviors
Under Outgoing Mail Account, Uncheck the automatically manage connection settings. (Make sure you do it under SMTP, and not IMAP, as they have the same checkbox) this will unlock a new area below
Change the Port Number to 587
Close the Accounts window
Finally, go back to the Mail app. Your mail should begin downloading shortly if it hasn’t already.
Set up email using Outlook on a Mac:
Launch Outlook. If Outlook is not in your dock, Command (⌘) + Space Bar. Then type Outlook in the Spotlight search. Press enter to launch the Outlook application.
Within Outlook, click Outlook on the top left. Then select Preferences… from the dropdown menu
Select Accounts
In the new window, click on the + on the bottom left and New Account…
Enter your email address
Outlook will sometimes automatically select Exchange as the account type. Click on Not Exchange on the top right corner to switch the account type
Select IMAP/POP at the bottom
Enter the following details:
Email Address: enter your email address
Username: enter your email address
Password: enter your mailbox password
Incoming Server:
Port: 993
Use SSL to connect: Checked
Outgoing Server:
Port: 587
Use SSL to connect: Checked
Click Sign In
Click Done
You’re done. You should see the main Outlook window and your email should begin downloading shortly.